Stone floor renovation on Mallorca, the subject of this article.

Stone floor renovation on Mallorca, the subject of this article. We are your experts when it comes to cleaning, renovation, protection and maintenance of natural stone, tiles, terrazzo and concrete.

Stone floor renovation on Mallorca

Beautiful room flair through stone floor renovation

Stone floor renovation more efficient than new installation

Anyone who is thinking of carrying out a stone floor renovation is first faced with some important questions. The most important question is right at the beginning, namely the decision between a stone floor renovation and a new laying of natural stone. Although personal preference is ultimately the decisive factor here, the advantages of a natural stone renovation over a new installation are obvious. Firstly, the costs of a stone floor renovation, which are much lower than those of a new installation and can be estimated at around 30-40 percent of the costs of the new installation. On the other hand, the time saved, which can be estimated to be lower by about the same proportion.

Furthermore, optically absolutely equivalent results can be achieved, which is why stone floor renovation is in many cases the more efficient solution compared to the laying of new stone flooring. In many cases, however, emotional factors also play a very important role in the decision for or against a renovation. A natural stone floor is usually something very special with which a story is connected and which has had a life that one does not want to give up without further ado. This also speaks for a natural stone renovation, in the form of a stone floor renovation.

Once you have made the most important decision, namely whether to give preference to stone floor renovation over re-laying due to the advantages of stone floor renovation and whether you want to fulfil your dream of a natural stone renovation, the next step is to choose the right partner for the project.

We clean your stone floor in Mallorca

We clean stones with a basic or special cleaning and remove stains effectively and permanently. This applies to interiors as well as exteriors. We use the appropriate special cleaner for each problem as well as the individually suitable cleaning method (dry ice, low pressure and vacuum blasting). Natural stone restoration is of course also part of our range of services.

We renovate your stone floor in Mallorca

We work floors, stairs, landings, window sills, walls and facades made of natural stone, tiles, terrazzo and concrete. And we grind and polish according to requirements using wet or dry grinding: low-noise and dust-free.

We protect your stone floor in Mallorca

With our stone impregnations we ensure the beauty of the treated natural stones for years. The impregnations (water- or solvent-based or with nano-technology) protect every stone, inside and outside, ecologically compatible and durable for many years.

We treat your stone floor in Mallorca (for more slip resistance)

We make sure that your natural stone surfaces and stairs become slip-resistant again. After a legally compliant test in accordance with DIN 51131, we evaluate the slip resistance, prepare a test report and a catalogue of measures. Afterwards we restore the slip resistance on site using various procedures.

Stone floor renovation in Mallorca – stone experts achieve the best results

Even though stone floor renovation is less costly and time-consuming than laying a new floor, a good result in natural stone renovation requires sound practical expertise, as it presents craftsmen with their own unique challenges.

If you want to carry out a stone floor renovation, experts in this field are therefore the best partners to help you with your natural stone renovation. That is why a craftsman’s business should be chosen that meets these special requirements.

Choosing the right expert

When choosing the right partner there is often no right or wrong, the personal impression is decisive. It must simply fit. Important criteria for the decision are certainly the experience especially in stone floor renovation and the right concept of stone floor renovation, which should be explained in detail. In a personal conversation, it often becomes directly apparent whether someone can rely on a wealth of experience in natural stone renovation, which in this situation benefits everyone.

Correct analysis is a basic requirement for a good result

If you go a little deeper into the matter, it quickly becomes apparent that there is not just one stone floor renovation, but many different approaches, which are all based on a sound analysis of the existing material. This is where the course is set for natural stone renovation.

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