Pebble exposed aggregate concrete slab- Soiled terrace clean Majorca – Terrace cleaner from Stone Doctor

Pebble exposed aggregate concrete slab- Soiled terrace clean Majorca – Terrace cleaner from Stone Doctor

We solve your patio problem in 24 hours

If treated professionally, stains and impurities such as algae and moss are first removed with a special cleaner on the terrace.

We work here with products from the Fila company, to be found at

As mentioned, these are for example rust, moss and algae, or stains caused by other organic or inorganic soiling.

Attention ! Use high pressure cleaners only for corners and edges that cannot be reached with a brushing machine, as high pressure cleaners cause damage if used incorrectly.

High-pressure cleaners make the concrete block slabs porous and thus dirty the terrace again in a short time, as already mentioned when used incorrectly. This means exactly with too high pressure.

In this video the Stone Doctor shows how to clean a Betonwerkstein terrace properly.

Clean your terrace coverings yourself and get our special products from our shop, or call us and we will do the work for you.

Pebble washed concrete slab terrace clean Mallorca – Terrace cleaner from the Stone Doctor

Exposed aggregate concrete slabs are relatively inexpensive and robust and are ideal for paths, seating areas in the garden or terraces. Their surface with gravel firmly embedded in concrete also makes them attractive and non-slip. Unfortunately only if this surface is clean and free of dirt or moss.

Unfortunately, the rough surface becomes clogged with exactly these substances over time. This not only makes the exposed aggregate concrete slabs look unattractive, but can also make them unpleasantly smooth when wet. Only thorough cleaning can help here. But how? There are several ways…

Manual cleaning

The “hard way” requires muscle power and endurance, water and a scrubbing brush.
01 First soak the surface of the exposed aggregate concrete slabs thoroughly with water, then loosen the dirt by scrubbing thoroughly and rinse with plenty of water. If the surface is still not clean after this procedure, the whole process must be repeated until the result is satisfactory.
02 This hard work is somewhat easier if a special cleaner is used to dissolve the dirt. Here too, thorough scrubbing is necessary, but the whole thing requires less effort. However, it should be noted that when rinsing off the dissolved dirt, the cleaner is also rinsed off the surface.
If a bed is adjoining the exposed aggregate concrete surface, it is essential to ensure that the cleaner is not harmful to plants.

Pebble exposed aggregate concrete slab – Clean dirty terrace Mallorca – Terrace cleaner from the stone doctor


Cleaning, renovation, protection and care of natural stone, tiles, terrazzo and concrete – that is our profession for over 20 years. We work in Mallorca and are also nationwide for you in use.

A natural stone, tile or terrazzo floor gives your object a special and elegant flair. A beautiful floor covering – staircase contributes to the value preservation and the increase in value of the real estate. However, only if the surfaces are in an impeccable, clean and well-kept condition.
We have implemented hundreds of cleaning and renovation projects in the past 15 years. Reliable and consistent work, adherence to schedules and professional competence have helped us to establish ourselves on the Berlin market.
After a renovation project, your natural stones and terrazzo floor coverings, staircases, wall surfaces or washstands will look like new again. In contrast to a new installation, you not only save time but also have a cost saving of up to 70%.

We will help you with all questions about:
– Cleaning, renovation, protection and maintenance of natural stone
– Cleaning, renovation, protection and maintenance of terrazzo
– Repair work and new production of terrazzo surfaces
– Improvement of slip resistance on stairs and in the entrance area
– Expert opinions on cases of damage and skid resistance measurements
Natural stone restoration and sustainability
Global earth currency, growth of the world population, scarcity of resources and rising energy prices. Today, nobody can avoid these problems. A worldwide rethink is called for, especially with regard to the sustainable use of resources. This also affects the construction industry. Architects and building owners are increasingly obliged to conserve resources and minimise the destruction of the environment through harmful construction methods. Private clients are therefore increasingly looking for environmentally friendly solutions. And these can be realised wonderfully with natural stone. Especially because natural stone is constantly being recycled

sandstein fragen Mallorca

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